“Trauma, like beauty, is in the eye of
the beholder.” – George Everly Jr., John Hopkins Center for Public Health
shootings, car accidents, freak accidents, tornadoes, hurricanes, mudslides –
in a single moment of time, the journey on the path of life suddenly plunges us
over the cliff into a dark abyss of timelessness where we have split-second
choices that occur in slow-motion and affect the future course.
first, we feel helpless, out-of-control.
Some of us panic, others go into denial, some take action and give
orders, and others are paralyzed. These
reactions can be normal, even good, to get us through the crisis. Or they can bring us to our demise.
the crisis, we may be flooded with emotions or become catatonic, not wanting to
feel at all. Bouncing back is a
process. Resiliency is the ability to cope,
to adapt to the trauma or stress, and to become stronger as a result.
to Amanda Ripley, award-winning journalist for Time magazine, people who have resilience tend to also have three
underlying advantages:
- A belief
that they can influence life events
- A
tendency to find meaningful purpose in life’s turmoil
- A
conviction that they can learn from both positive and negative experiences.1
claims that these beliefs act as a sort of buffer, cushioning the blow of any
given disaster. Dangers seem more
manageable to these types of people, and they perform better during a crisis as
a result.
this worldview leads to resilience, what leads to the worldview? Ripley points out that it is not an easy
answer. It’s not necessarily the
yoga-practicing Buddhists. Rather, it is
people who have an abundance of confidence.
It is people who have a sense of
purpose. Surprisingly, it is people who
might be perceived as annoying, self-absorbed or arrogant.
As a
follower of Christ, God gives us a built-in sense of resiliency that grows with
our faith:
- We
know that God works through us to influence life events. God hears our prayers, and we can trust the
outcome to Him regardless of how it pans out.
- Life’s
turmoils may seem random, cruel, and senseless, but God can turn something
apparently senseless into something meaningful, to fulfill something bigger
that we currently cannot see or understand.
- Because
we know that God works all things together for those who love Him (Romans
8:28), we know with conviction that God teaches us through both positive and
negative experiences to transform us to become more like Jesus .
Our resiliency may look different from the world’s resiliency. It’s not arrogance. It’s recognition of our weakness and our need for Jesus for every breath that we can live the life He purposes for us. We are God-absorbed, not self-absorbed.
Our resiliency comes through faith, not
through our inner strength. Our resilience comes from leaning hard on God, depending on Him, seeking Him, relying on Him for strength, because we know that in our weakness, He makes us strong.
1Amanda Ripley, The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster
Strikes – and Why, Crown Publishers: New York, 2008, pages 91-92.