Each chapter begins with Nancy Maggio’s own heart-felt poems followed by a vignette from a particular difficult season of her life that tested her faith. She weaves into her stories the amazing ways how God carried her and bloomed her into something better. Spanning from childhood to seniorhood, she divulges many very personal experiences including unwanted pregnancy, divorce, sexual addiction, inadequacies, health problems, physical pain and aging, to name a few. She portrays the way God has transformed her into a rosebud blooming through each of the painful journeys.
This was the first book I read on my Kindle, so I’m not sure if my view is tainted, but while reading the poems, I kept finding myself finding better words or trying to improve the rhythm. This may have been due to the layout on the Kindle itself. The way poetic words are laid out on a page is an important part of conveying its meaning.
While I found this book intriguing and enjoyable to read, I would love to have seen her take the message of God’s hand at work and in transforming her another layer deeper.
Disclaimer: To comply with regulations by the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 255, I am disclosing that BookSneeze® provided me a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own.
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