Knowing that I have limited book shelf space, I still went absolutely book-crazy at the used book sale last weekend. Fill a brown paper bag with books for $5, a bargain that would easily promote over-indulging. I was determined that I was only going to fill one bag and select only books that I considered treasure that would guide me in living life with God (alongside my Bible) and inspire me with wisdom our counsel on how to live this life as a follower of Christ.
I also planned to select books written by authors from previous generations in previous ages who asked and answered different kinds of questions than we are asking today. Rather than reading for information, extracting data and knowledge as I was trained to do, I wanted to find heart-oriented books that would bring to light my blind spots and transform me.
And it would be just fine if I didn’t actually fill the bag.
My husband helped me pack the bag efficiently. Then he helped me with the next one, too. And the next one too. 100 books for $15.
Here are a few of the treasures that I thought might meet the qualifications:
· The Way of the Heart, by Henri Nouwen
· Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis
· Embracing the Love of God, by James Bryan Smith
· The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, by Hannah Whitall Smith
· Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning, by Viktor Frankl
· Freedom of Simplicity, by Richard Foster
· Finding God in Unexpected Places, by Philip Yancey
· Thirsty for God, by Bradley Holt
I’ll stop there because now I have to go pick up some books I have on reserve at the public library and check my mailbox for new goodies for book reviews…so many books, so little time!!
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