Sometimes we have a hard time looking past programs or products in the church when we want to help others grow spiritually or build each other up in the faith, like join a women’s Bible study or small group, or got to a retreat or conference. But how about just sitting down with someone at a coffee shop or over lunch and just read the Bible together?

Helm places priority on context as he provides recommendations for Bible reading passages and ideas for how to discuss the various genres of the 66 books in the Bible. Worksheets are available at the back of the book for photocopying to guide in reading through the different genres: Gospels and Acts, Old Testament Narrative, Epistles, Hebrew Wisdom Literature and Poetry, and Prophetic Literature. He also provides an 8-week guide through the Gospel of Mark that you can use in one to one Bible reading.
This short and simple book is a great guide to get you started in reading the Bible with a co-worker at lunch, neighbor, a new friend, or even your spouse or children.
This book and more information about it is available at Matthias Media.
This book and more information about it is available at Matthias Media.
I received a copy of this book from Matthias Media in exchange for my honest review.
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