knew that Job was faithful and devoted to God, and thought it was because God
had blessed him, so first he took away his belongings with an attack. Then a tornado decimated property and killed
all his children. Job’s faith in God did
not waiver.
Satan was convinced that illness would cause Job to crumble. And it worked. Job never lost his faith in God, but his
strength and resiliency faded to complete brokenness and utter grief. Job wasn’t
trying to rebuild. He sat in numbness
and shock for a weak, doing nothing but grieving by tearing his clothes,
rubbing ashes on his head, and ripping his injured skin with shards to relieve
his physical misery.
if Satan had started with illness before the other devastating actions? Was it the illness that crumbled him or just the
compounding effect of multiple traumatic events? What would Satan choose to do to crush me
with misery and despair? My imagination can concoct all kinds of
possibilities. Job must’ve done that
too, because he says that everything he had feared and dreaded in the good
times had finally happened to him (Job 3:25).
the answer, God is still in control. He
keeps Satan on a leash. We have a choice
to make – whether we will allow ourselves to be crushed by the uncontrollable
dozer of destruction, or if we will climb onto it triumphantly knowing that God
will use it for good and not waste it.
don’t get to choose. And it is a waste
of energy to contemplate it or imagine all the unthinkable that could
happen. Just know and prepare to not
give in to despair. Prepare to choose to
trust. God will carry us and teach us
through the dark hours as we journey out of this world that is not our true
Job learned God in a new way through it all.