In this book, each day of prayer begins with a Scripture
to pray, guiding us to think and pray God’s thoughts after Him. Following the Scriptural prayer, he provides a
prayer written or recited from classical and contemporary sources, many of
which I found resonated with me, giving expression to the longings of my heart
and soul. At the bottom of the page, he
supplies a prayer for today that prompts spontaneous prayer and reflection,
digging into your own personal life and thoughts and turning them over to God.
Each day/page includes a few different styles of prayer,
but Bjorklund also categorizes the prayers so that within each day, we focus on
a single, particular type of prayers - thanksgiving, confession, affirmation, petition,
renewal, praise, guidance, surrender, etc.
I found myself praying new things that I had never prayed before. If you are looking for a way to revitalize
your prayer life, this book provides the means to connecting with God on the
great themes of His Word so that you can get to His heart and so that your
heart reflects His.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Moody
Press in exchange for my honest review.
Looks good. Always appreciative books on prayer, a continuing journey! Thanks.