Theology isn’t simple. It’s not just a matter of
reflecting on our own experiences or gathering anecdotal evidence. We must
struggle with applicable biblical passages, all with their own histories and
interpretation. Then we must reconcile
doctrines with each other. We need to cope with and incorporate discoveries in
science and insights of psychology. When
we trace the history through the patristic, medieval, protestant, and modern
eras, we can see what has led to diverse views traditions, and
denominations. We can also see what we
still hold in common and what unites us as Christians. Dr. Holsteen and Dr. Svigel show us how to do
this in their book Exploring Christian
Theology: Volume Two.
I have not read volume one, but this volume stands alone
as it examines the Christian doctrines of creation, the fall, and salvation
without favoring or pushing toward any particular denomination viewpoint. First, they portray a “high-altitude” survey,
then zoom in to the applicable passages in the Bible, and then they take a
stroll through history beginning in 100 A.D. for the doctrine’s
development. My favorite parts, though, were the “dangers
to avoid” and the “principles to practice” with each doctrine.
The authors are masters at being able to develop and
explain the doctrines in ways that unite rather than divide Christians and to
embrace our different ways of understanding.
From the “facts to never forget” sections, they clearly hold an orthodox
and evangelical perspective in line with where their professions as professors
at Dallas Theological Seminary.
While the back cover proclaims in bold print that the top
that this book is “foundations of theology in everyday language”, some previous
knowledge of Christian history and its major players will enhance
understanding. I would highly recommend
this book for seminary and Bible students, pastors, and others who are in